The people in this area are really rich, really close hearted, really "busy to talk to missionaries". But it was amazing. I feel that I have progressed more in this week as a missionary than I have in whatever other transfer of my whole mission. I had completely lost my focus on my I was teaching, contacting, and baptizing. Elder Boman has restored to my vision, why it is that I'm hear. I'm not some machine to get more and more lessons to please the president or the assistants. I'm a representative of Christ who's only intention is to help others receive the restored gospel. Doesn't matter if I have to teach a lesson in the door way (which doesn't count as far as numbers for the mission) or not. But before I leave a person they have to know that the restored gospel of THEIR Jesus Christ is here of the earth. I have a lot of repentance to do with how I have spent this last year.... But this next year looks like its going to be a lot brighter for me. I can't believe how many people I will actually help rather than "teach"
We have a mom who's kids are all baptized, but she for one reason or another hasn't been baptized yet. She is still good to go for her baptism this 28 of this month. She already has a testimony and has been reading the Book of Mormon without having homework from us. Yes, we did assign her to read in the Book of Mormon this time, but that, as you all know, is the most crucial for one to gain a testimony of the church, it's read the Book of Mormon. I think I have already said this, but I believe that my conversion has been made "complete" or at least as much as possible because of my love for that book. Recently I have finished the Book of Mormon for the fourth time in my mission. That prayer that I had after wards built up my testimony SOO much. I cant get enough of the feeling of the holy ghost. I know that I can only have that as I do the right things, and am obedient to all the rules of the mission. But that's a bit about her, our investigator with a date.
We have another named Snow White. Hahah seriously that's her name. But ALLLLL of her family are members, but her and her husband are not married. Yes, her husband is a member, but they just did things out of the wrong order. She has accepted to get married and baptized this month!!!!
But, because of details with numbers of times she has gone to church and what not her baptism will be in October. That's fine with me, she will have more time to get a deeper testimony. But that's really whats going on here. The pictures are of my last week in Yacuiba. I'm going to send more right now from what happened this week.
Sooo the pictures.... the first one of the BIG HUGE guitar is in Yacuiba.
The second is of a dinner we had with my most favorite family in Yacuiba. He is the President of my old branch and the older lady is the mom of the Presidents wife.
The third is at a meeting of the Zone Leaders. The one of the far left is my comp. the one in the middle is an ex model hahah seriously. His name is Elder Brasher.
Second to last is that activity we did last Monday, me and Elder Boman were grilling hot dogs under a park bleacher....sanitary huh? hahah :)
The last one is of part of my zone, the ones who could come to the activity.
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